Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Clips from the field...
Rain for the most part does not deter us from excavating; however, test pozos are drained daily. In flood zones teams use water pumps do the work, here buckets get it done. Water does little damage to the pits stratigraphic layers (it quickly absorbs and evaporates); though over many years it does break down organic cultural material (wood, textiles, bones, etc.).
When your motor dies, improvise… Grab a shovel (I grabbed my camera). Most of the sites in the Arroyo Pesquero are accessible only by boat, so boat rides have been a routine.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Palenque National Park, Chiapas - Mex
A small video clip of one of the many aqueducts found in Palenque and the Palacio (The Palace).
Somewhere we pick up the name "The Boys", no respect I tell you...
El Templo Olvidado, or The Forgotten Temple (Above). In 2004, Edwin L. Barnhart submitted a report to FAMSI on the results of a 1999 mapping project that included the Olvidado Group. More...
I have a love for the quetzal bird so I bought this leather "chap" engraved with the quetzal and its colors. In the Maya world the quetzal feathers adorned the headdresses of only the most elite, a custom that was carried out by many other Mesoamerican cultures, including the Aztec.